Archive: Visura Features

OMAR GAMEZ | Stability. Notes on gravity.

Issue 01

The theory of stability of dynamic systems proposed in 1892 by the Russian mathematician Aleksander Lyapunov covers three states of equilibrium: stable, unstable and asymptotically stable. Any of these three possibilities suggest that the origin, the point at which the body stands independently of external supports, is in fact a solution for equilibrium. The body always achieves balance by locating its own center.

SAM BARZILAY | [these things were transacted] in silence

Issue 01


in silence
dwell in silence. anticipate
die in silence.

silence is repression; Iwazaru, speak no evil.


Issue 01

This account starts on March 16 in the valley of Cuzco, Peru. The small city was dry and exhausting with a piercing sun over arid mountains—it was quiet and clean except for a thick dust that blew in, covering everything at once. Then, moments later the dust blew away, leaving things as they were. On March 17 I began looking for signs of Cuzco's legacy. Before its conquest by the Spanish, Cuzco was home to the Incas. Now it is home to an Andean culture held back by five hundred years of Spanish rule; somewhere the condor and the bull were wrestling for identity.
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